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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ahoha, hey

latest tori wey enter my ear, na say army men don dey
 enter boi's life for ATM machine oooh.

as the tori been dey sha, them say boi's been full

 the ATM yakata, and the line for ATM bend;bend like Malabo leg.

 so d army people go comot koboko come flog people destiny comot from their body.

As una know say Pol sciences guys no dey carry last

na im one guy from their department dey complain say the guys for school no get mind.

but when dem army people turn back to see who get the mind,

the guy lock up sharp sharp like ashawo wey u no pay wan fuck.

but last last , e don tey wey i see ATM queue dey organized like today o

i almost think na election voting queue......

Unknown / Author & Editor

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